The COVID-19 pandemic put over 1.2 billion children across the globe out of the classroom, fostering a rise in home-based learning that is persisting well into 2021. While schools were already investing in educational technologies, spending $18.66 billion in 2019 alone, the shift to remote learning accelerated adoption of these tools, including video conferencing technologies, language applications, online learning software, and more.
As more people receive the coronavirus vaccine, schools have begun to throw open their doors to allow in-school learning, but some students have thrived in the online environment. In answer, many schools have made virtual learning an option, providing students both in-class or at-home instruction, depending on their preference.
In response, schools must be able to provide an optimum learning experience for both groups of students — those who opt to return to school and those who wish to learn remotely. While there are many expensive tech tools that can support this new model of education, one cost-effective tool that still hold pride of place in the virtual or brick-and-mortar school is the humble printer.
Why Your Schools Still Needs Printers to Supercharge Learning
Hundreds of studies that have examined students’ ability to learn and retain information from printed materials or digital materials have determined that reading — and learning — from paper led to a better understanding and improved test-taking performance.
Interestingly, screen-based readers tend to overestimate how well they understand the material they have learned and — importantly — most readers tend to prefer paper rather than screens. And, digital reading can significantly impair comprehension, especially for more complex materials. The upshot? Print materials are easier to understand than digital ones.

Students Still Need — and Want — Printers
With at least three-quarters of all students having a home printer and half of students and parents agreeing that school would be difficult without access to a printer, it is no wonder that printers are still in high demand for educational organizations.
Most students need access to a printer at least monthly, and many times daily or weekly, to stay on top of assignments. In fact, students actually printed out materials for an assignment, even when they weren’t required to, noting that it helped them to learn, understand, and focus.
In-School Printers to Supplement Screen-Based Assignments
Even school-based learners often work on computers, tablets, or mobile devices to access assignments, learning materials, and other data while at school. Having access to an in-school printer to print out materials or having printed copies of select online materials available in the classroom can help students to get the most out of a hybrid learning environment.
While computers and digital access can provide fast, attention-grabbing interest both in the classroom and at home, access to a printer and printed materials can ensure that students comprehend and retain information better. In this way, printers are the perfect auxiliary tool for computer-based learning, regardless of whether it occurs on school premises or in the students’ homes, underscoring another reason why schools still need printers to help students learn better.

Doing Better Business Has the Right Printers for Your School
To ensure your school is reaching — and teaching — learners of all kinds, it is smart to have leading-edge, reliable printers available for student and teacher use. While a smaller, in-classroom model can serve for printing occasional student work, you may want to consider production-level machines for the teachers’ workroom or administrative offices so staff can provide auxiliary printed materials to complement online or on-screen learning.
Our team of print and imaging experts can assess your school’s needs and challenges and design a print infrastructure that can help your staff work more efficiently while also increasing the level of learning enrichment you bring to your student body. And, because we know school IT departments are already overburdened, we can handle all aspects of your print environment — from automating supply deliveries to ensuring equipment is properly maintained and secured.
Importantly, we’ll take care of your printer and printing needs with an eye toward your budget so you can rest assured you’re getting the highest quality devices in the most cost-effective manner.
Jumpstart learning for your students this fall. Contact a representative from Doing Better Business to ensure your school is equipped with leading-edge printers at a price that fits your budget.
Topics: printers, color printers, remote learning, education