For the past eight years, Women Making a Difference has proudly recognized those women whose intel­ligence, ingenuity, skills and dedication have led to business success and com­munity involvement.

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As always, the 38 women feature this year were selected from nominations sent in by our readers. The nominations were submitted to the St. Francis Uni­versity Business Development Center for the final selection of candidates. We then notified each candidate of their honor and worked with them to devel­op their profile.  

Women in Business would like to thank the selection committee at St. Francis University for once again lend­ing their expertise to the process of selecting the talented women to be fea­tured.  

We salute these dedicated women, and the many, many more, who day in and day out strive to improve not only the institutions and businesses for which they work, but the communities in which they live. They truly are an in­spiration!

You can read more about Women Making a Difference and why Debra Dellaposta was selected, 

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